+27 (0) 82 844 3767 & +27 (0) 83 594 6976 info@innafricasafaris.com

Kruger Birding Safaris

The Kruger Park features 21 eco zones from the Balule Rolling Plains, Tree Mopane Savanna to the Malelane Mountain Bushveld and everything in between and consequently the Park has a high concentration of avian species. Obviously raptors feature quite prominently with species such as the Brown Snake Eagle, the iconic African Fish Eagle and the Bateleur and Tawny Eagles being among birders favourites. Also expect to see the vibrantly colourful Lilac Breasted Rollers, various Kingfishers, Bee Eaters and smaller weavers, finches and starlings with their iridescent plumage.

Kruger Park Birding Safaris

A typical full day Kruger Birding Safari can see one tick off between 80 and 150 species. A good day will yield up to 200 species.

Guided Kruger Birding Weekends have become very popular and we would urge birders to book early to avoid disappointment.

Inn Africa Safari’s Guided Kruger Birding tours start at 06h00 and encompass a full day safari, terminating when the park closes at 16H00.

Kruger Park Full Day Birding Safaris

Kruger Park Weekend Birding Safaris

About Your Guide

Jerry John Magale was a Tourism Manager at South African National Parks Department (SANPARKS) for 18 years before he ventured out on his own to establish Inn Africa Safaris. Jerry holds a master’s degree in Leadership and Change Management from the Leeds Metropolitan University (UK) and qualified as a field guide after which he ventured into guiding visitors into the Kruger Park 1999.

Jerry has been fascinated by birds since he was very young and would often be found reading up about every aspect of the area’s over 490 avian species. Being able to pair this knowledge with field observations over decades has made him one of the area’s most sought after birding specialists. Jerry has been leading birding safaris in and around the Kruger National Park since 1999 and would be delighted to impart some of this extensive knowledge with you.